Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ISOP, some additional notes on why I blog

Today I made a little plug for my blog on the ISOP (http://home.swipnet.se/isop/) forum. ISOP is actually the reason why "it occured to me I could edit and publish on a 'blog'". While the site contains interesting material and information it was also more or less totally unstructured, a mass of garishly coloured disparate facts devoid of any analyses or summaries. Mostly cut and paste abstracts.

Do not misunderstand me! Lennart Branthle does a fantastic job (here in Sweden) trying to lobby for recognition of the disease and the need for adequate research and treatment, but I was not interested in that.

I was interested in hypotheses.

I was interested in thoughts 'outside the box'.

Facts need to be analyzed. Ideas need to be formulated. But to be able to do that some sort of review and overview is needed. Besides of the thinking. Starting to take/keep notes was my way to make sense of the mass of facts. To start to try to discern possible patterns.

I cannot say I will suggest something revolutionary, but at least I hope that my ideas and thoughts may help someone in some way. Be it ideas for treatment, or ideas for research (hopeful thought). Or just help by being a thorough overview.

Andra bloggar om , , , ,

1 comment:

  1. How intriguing. Sysadm at ISOP banned my IP and deleted my short post pointing at my blog.

    What is more curious is that it is not forbidden to post in the forum to point to another side. On the contrary it is encouraged. Forum rules state that:

    "4. Hittar du intressant information på Internet eller i massmedia som berör våra sjukdomar, är vi andra givetvis tacksamma att få kännedom om detta. ..."

    In translation that means: "If you find interesting information on the Internet or in mass media concerning our disease, we'll obviously be grateful to be informed about this."

    Guess I was not interesting ;-)
