Friday, February 13, 2009

Micturition problems symptom cluster

All of the below items are regarded as indicative for CP/CPPS, but also for infection, and in part for dyssynergia (detrusor (sphincter) dyssynergia) or obstruction.

• Diuresis/Pollakiuria: frequent urination/micturition of varying amounts (normal is about 3-6 times tops during the day and none during sleep).

• Nocturia (nycturia): micturition urge that is causing the interruption or shortening of normal sleep. Especially if often and repeatedly recurring.

• Urinary urgency: a sudden and pressing urge to urinate (normally this feeling should slowly start to grow as the bladder is distended, ie filled, beyond a certain cut-off).

Dysuria and stranguria like problems:
• Difficulty and/or painful urination in general.

• Dribbling, weak (slow) and split stream without burning sensation or pain.

• Start-stop micturition (especially at the end of micturition). A feeling of having to “squirt out” the last drops.

• A feeling of not having completely emptied the bladder.

• Urine smell (despite no obvious alimentary source like asparagus, white wine or selenium yeast supplements).

• “Foaming urine”, i.e. when stream hits enclosed water surface, without any proteinuria.

• Sporadic dark urine?, despite adequate water intake and no no obvious alimentary source.

• Penile paresthesia-like problems: burning sensation or pain in urether or tip of penis when urinating and not.

Andra bloggar om , , , , ,

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